Jerry A. Henry received his MFA from UCLA Film School with an emphasis on documentaries, cinematography, and digital media. His credits include producer/ cinematographer for MTV News & Docs as well as programs for National Geographic, A&E, Bravo, VH-1, NBC, OWN and the Discovery Channel. He served as cinematographer for THE GRACE LEE PROJECT and David Zeiger’s SIR NO SIR! and WINTER SOLIDER as well as the Oscar nominated Banksy directed documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP, JANEANE FROM DES MOINES, which premiered at the 2012 Toronto Film Festival and the music documentary KE$HA: MY CRAZY BEAUTIFUL LIFE set to premiere on MTV. He has shot and produced over 300 docu-reality television programs and documentary series for network and cable television. He is in post-production on his first feature-length documentary ECONOMY SUPERSTAR.