I had a chance to visit Grace Boggs this weekend in Detroit with another mutual friend, Julia Putnam of the Boggs School. As many of you know, Grace has been in hospice care since September. We held hands as she talked about subjects as diverse as aging and dying, growing up Chinese American in Queens in the 1920s, and how we need to listen to the young people of Ferguson. It was a strain for her to speak, but at one point she expressed how nice it was for us to be there with her. I’m sharing this story because Grace’s close friends have set up a trust to help defray the expenses of her very costly long-term 24/hour care — which allows her to make her final transition at home, surrounding by those closest to her. Please join me on Giving Tuesday (which follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday) and consider making a contribution to someone who has spent most of her life fighting and providing so much for others.

Donate here

Thank you.
Grace Lee, filmmaker.